‘Groundwater Depletion’, ‘Melting of Glaciers’ and ‘Rising Sea Level’ are the massive displacement

Sunday, January 1, 2012


My studies on various relevant topics reached on the conclusion that there is a correlation between Groundwater Depletion and Melting of the Glaciers. According to my conclusive study - if we could control the Groundwater Depletion, which is due to said cause; we can cure the Groundwater Level and could replenish the dark zones, which will bring the sufficient evaporation of the water from the Ground Surfaces that from Sea; that will minimize the impact of solar radiation to reach the Ground in the presence of humidity in the atmosphere; due to what the impact of global warming could be cured to prevent the melting of the Glaciers; Hence balance the Earth Rotation/Wobbling. Provide the scientific comments on the said "Cause/Action of the remedy".

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