‘Groundwater Depletion’, ‘Melting of Glaciers’ and ‘Rising Sea Level’ are the massive displacement

Letter to Authorities of Nations

  • Below Representation is Addressing to The Higher Authority of Every Nation. 
  • All betterment could be possible only by Public Awareness and Understanding. 
  • No Government could help if the Public is ignorant in this matter.

Date:- 05 March, 2012 

Representing To 

he President/Prime Minister,
Nations of the World.

Copy to:-

- Members Countries of UNFCCC, Germany.
- UNFCCC secretariat, Haus Carstanjen, 53175 Bonn, Germany.
- Prime Minister, Government of India.
- Chief Minister, Government of Rajasthan State.

Subject: - Global warming could change Earth Axis, control Groundwater Depletion to Save our Earth.

Dear Sir,

The environmental protection and care is the primary duty of every citizen. My work is as given below:-

1- In the past few years as environment protection is concern, there are some aspects such as “Groundwater Depletion”, rapid “Melting of Glaciers” and unusual “Rise in Sea level” - emerging out as very serious and final results of human errors/mistakes as these has been exposing since last few decades.
2- Due to those three final results, a serious situation has been established on the Earth, which is becoming very steady. By studying various important research reports and publications by the experts, it has been already been formulated in 2010 about the root cause of all those circumstances around the world, keeping together all those information, a hazardous mechanism for the consequences are apparently visible in future. @ http://concept-of-global-warming.blogspot.in

3- To set up an actual ground for the underlying causes of the alarming results some applications have been submitted at the office of Prime Minister of India under Right of Information Act (RTI) and at some Research Center of United States under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to collect required information. In this respect, 22 points kinds of information under RTI application and FOIA application has been submitted at NASA, Environmental Protection Agency of US, United States of Geological Survey (USGS Center) has been sought to collect some conceptual information with scientific explanation and clarification.

4- Some agencies provided the information in INDIA and some of them replied with 'Data not available' or 'No researches have carried out yet'. NASA has denied providing the information; an appeal was submitted - that was also denied. All these content is live on the link @ http://bit.ly/alert2012

5- Our Earth has been constantly rotating on its axis over the billions of years and the shape of our Solar System in the space is designed/maintained/based on the Principal of Physics in which the primary forces ‘Centripetal Force’ and ‘Centrifugal Force’ are responsible for it, cannot be ignored to study the above causes of any doomsday.

6-After the earthquake occurred in Chile and Japan the Earth's axis shifted has opened new doors of study to find out the basic scientific cause behind it.

7- Along with this, due to so many reasons there were drastic changes in the weather and climate in last few years. In India as we know the every season has under gone with a delay of approximately 4-6 weeks or have been moved forwarded. Due to the earthquake in Chile and Japan it was discovered by the Space Agencies that we have slight shifting of Earth's Axis, that may obvious to have a some changes in the weather and climate also, as the actual temperature of space is -273° C.

8- That we all know that environment/weather has been changing dramatically. On the basis of prevailing various factors "Melting of Glaciers", "Groundwater Depletion" and "Rising Sea Level" I have studies various discoveries and collected information, those already established by the research agencies and scientist, kept them together and tried to establish correlation between them to find out the root causes and their overall impact on the basis of scientific conclusions. In this way a "Concept of Global Warming" was also development in 2010 in which it was mentioned that Multi-Aquifer Bore Wells are responsible for Groundwater Depletion have a very serious correlation with the Global Warming.

- Concept of Global Warming @ http://concept-of-global-warming.blogspot.in

9- That recently we had United Nations Climate Conference in Durban in which the experts of various countries have suggested that Geo-engineering could save Earth from Global Warming. It was mentioned that, "Action such as spraying sulphur into the air or brightening clouds with sea water to reflect more sunlight would have to be sustained indefinitely because there would be a large and rapid climate change if it were terminated suddenly". In this way reflecting a small amount of sunlight back into space before it strikes the Earth's surface would have an immediate and dramatic effect.” This suggestion is more relevant to the "The Concept of Global Warming" but those root causes have not been considered yet and no task has been planned to repairs those human errors as mentioned.

10- That in the “Concept of Global Warming" it was said that "Due to uncontrolled deep drilling of the ground the confining bed/aquitard/impermeable rock layers got damaged or punctured, consequently the unlimited potable water is continuously flowing from higher aquifer to the lower aquifers and lower aquifer to upper aquifers thorough the millions of holes of deeper "Multi-Aquifer" Tube Wells made by the drill machines; resulting sudden rise in Groundwater Level of low land areas, whereas there is Groundwater Depletion in other High Land Areas." - Further, few decades ago due to higher level of groundwater, there was abundance expansion of vegetation on the Land Surface that hinder the solar radiations to touch the land surface that prevents the heating of the Atmosphere. The presence of water molecules due to evaporation also refract and reflects radiation thus keeps the earth cool to normal since billion of years, but in last 40 years we make a large difference to change the equation of the environmental balance.

11- For example, suppose the altitude of Jodhpur Division from Sea Level is 224 meters (735 feet). We have uncontrolled/un-notified/unregistered billion of deeper drilling by the farmers to extract the groundwater up to the depth of more than 1000-1500 feet; that is this un-natural human mistake have already reached several feet below the Sea Level and billions of Multi-Aquifer Tube wells allows massive groundwater flow in "L" shape direction; that is vertical downwards and then horizontally towards the Sea. We are punctured those water holding spaces between every two rises of impervious layers, hence this is could be notified as the root cause of Groundwater Depletion, creating Global Warming factors those are melting the Glaciers; consequently the Rising Sea Level is unusually rising at alarming rates.

12- My declaration on the basis of my concept that the Dark Zones created due to Groundwater Depletion will be for always and permanent, in which due to deeper multi-aquifer tube wells the rain water is not sustainable by the upper aquifers; hence the splendid rainfall of 2010 will bring not impact in Groundwater improvements after being replenished.

13- That according to the "Concept of Global Warming", there was massive impact on vegetation due to “Groundwater depletion” and “Forest cutting” by man. The devoid of vegetation land surface area directly exposed to the Solar Radiations increases the temperature of the atmosphere, explained on the basis of the principles of Thermodynamics, in which earth's surface warms up initially; that warms up atmosphere in second step. The heat energy transfers from the Earth surface to atmosphere which is bringing a serious impact; resulting the glaciers are melting faster at higher rates. The concept of Global Warming can be understood on the link @ http://bitl.ly/9OYQql

14- That in above concept the billions of deeper Multi-Aquifer bore wells is evident to be extremely responsible for the Falling of Groundwater Level around the world in last only 30 years which connects every two aquifers which allows extensive amount of water exchanging between them; so called due to this reason - the large storage of ground water is moving by vertical paths in to the sea more rapidly with the notable rise in Sea level.

15- That according to the principle of physics there may be Double Impact of "Melting of Glaciers" & "Groundwater Depletion" on one side and "Rising Sea Level" on the other side for the rotation of the Earth around its axis, when a huge masses in the volume of thousands of Cubic Kilometers disappeared from land to sea in the form of "Melted Glaciers" and "Depleted Groundwater" from a already balanced Rotation of the Earth. These masses cannot be replenished until unless we have heavy rainfalls, but we require the double quantity of the displaced mass to balance the earth rotation again, which is not possible.

16- That the speed of the mass of Earth is rotating around the Axis of Rotation is 1674 km/hr at the equator. Displacement of masses like "Disappearing of Groundwater" and "Melting of Glaciers" are in the volume of thousands of Cubic Kilometres happening at the extreme ends of Rotation at the speed of 1674 km/hr may also brings an impact of displacement of "Center of Mass" of the Earth. This speed of Rotation around the axis is reducing as we go towards the poles in respect of longitudes.

17- If the axis of the Earth could shift by the Chilean and Japanese earthquakes at the magnitude of 9.0 on the Richter scale, which may be due to displacement of Center of Mass of the Earth then why not the displacement of thousands of Cubic Kilometres of Earth Masses in the form of “Groundwater Depletion” and “Melting of Glaciers”; happening on the extreme ends of rotation at the speed of 1674 km/hour may lead to dislocation of "Center of Mass" of the planet which may likely to shift Earth's axis; which is not compromised to any kind of the base in the universe; which is independent.

18- That if the above concept is absolutely correct then why not “Melting of Glaciers”, “Falling of Groundwater Levels” in the volume of thousands of Cubic Kilometres of Water, may also have some the potential to bring dislocation of the “Center of Mass” of the Earth; that may possibly tends to shift the Earth Axis to re-balance the rotation again may be responsible for the cause of doomsday that may occur around the world someday.

19- That in the year of 2010 we have splendid rainfall and we have flood situation occurred in many countries around the world. If we see all aspects placing together then the overall scenario is apparently clear and we can say that very heavy rain must be very helpful to have balance of the earth's rotation, because those dark zones where groundwater levels have already disappeared should have replenished in 2010 and the water level should have also been improved, but the according the to the “Concept of Groundwater Depletion and Global Warming" the improvement of those Dark Zone may not be stable due extreme depths of the Multi-Aquifer Bore wells.

20- That is in the year of 2010 we have splendid Rainfall and have higher groundwater levels which allow immense evaporation of water from the ground. According to the "Concept of Global Warming" due presence of water-vapors/clouds; the solar radiations may get refracted and reflected that kept the earth cold. Due to such up gradation in the atmosphere and we had very heavy snowfall around the world; as the temperature of the space is (-) 273° C; have happened to the rebuilding of the glaciers again, which may be very helpful in maintaining the balanced rotation of the Earth around the Axis, but this replenishment of Groundwater and Rebuilding of Glaciers is not sustainable due to underlying causes in the give concept.

21- That according to the “Concept of Global Warming” it is very necessary to mention the Causes of Droughts and Floody Rainfall. Based on various Scientific studies Solar Minima and Solar Maxima has emerging out as factors responsible for the Drought and Heavy rainfall on the Earth - Still has not been predicted/mentioned so far.

- In Solar Minima the sun gets tune down and have no sun spots, consequently the due to minimized radiations we have below average evaporation of Groundwater from sea as well as from land; responsible for very less rainfall and we have droughts.

- Solar Maxima is the period of greatest solar activity in the solar cycle of the sun. During Solar maxima, large numbers of sunspots appear and have maximum intensity of solar radiation, that brings immense evaporation of water from Sea surface and land surface; responsible for heavy rainfall and floods in maximum land areas. We have to collect and analyze the data of Solar irradiation's and its impacts.

22- That recently the University of Colorado - National Center for Atmospheric Research NCAR said that Global Warming is increasing due to changes in the environment, due to which the water level of the oceans is increasing rapidly. Based on a recent study it was reported that the water level is increasing in the Indian Ocean unusually. The study by researchers pointed out that disasters like floods and rising water levels may continue, whereas they ascribed that only Green House gasses are responsible for the "Global Warming", but we have to analyze the overall scenario by reviewing the facts mentioned in the “Concept of Global Warming".

23- That if we look up in to the depth of this concern, the annual rainfall on the ground every year, recharges the water bodies and aquifers, but falling of Groundwater and Melting of Glaciers more rapid and we have unusual increase of water level in the Indian Ocean, in that situation very critical situation may arise during Solar Minima and the biggest drought year may occur when we don’t have sufficient replenishment of water bodies and recharging of Aquifers. In that situation we may have serious impact on dislocation of the "Center of Mass" of the Earth and those effects may affect the Earth's rotation, may further subject to the shifting of the Axis to balance the rotation again. This process may be initiated and concluded by the several height magnitude earthquakes may finish the maximum population of the world.

24- That in United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Durban the experts mentioned some suggestions of Geo-Engineering methods by which the solar radiation will be reflected back into the space to protect the Earth from Global Warming, that is based on the principal of the “Concept of Global Warming” in which by natural moisture available in the atmosphere due to higher groundwater and vegetation could reflects solar radiation keep the Earth cool. But we are not working on those root causes mentioned in this concept.

25- That as we do need to set aside any king of prophecy and have to look at all those aspects from the scientific point of view. If we are going on the wrong track and warned by such prophecy then it is always good for the whole world if those errors and mistakes should be corrected. First of all we need to find out all those factors and need to establish root causes may be responsible for any disaster.

26- That it has been decided that the FOIA application; its justification, its appeal and denial reply should be placed online to collect the required information available around the world to understand a concept that may coincide with the rumour of The END of the World scientifically and the subject must be discussed, to establish the root cause of the problem.

27- That on the basis of above concept some information/contents have been search on the internet. It has been discovered during the translation of a letter to Prime Minister of INDIA dated 25.02.2012 from Hindi to English as above that was said by the scientist  – “The Earth spins on an axis that is tilted some 23.5° from the vertical. But this position is far from constant – the planet's axis is constantly shifting in response to changes in the distribution of mass around the Earth. The Earth is like a spinning top, and if you put more mass on one side or other, the axis of rotation is going to shift slightly," says Felix Landerer of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. The changing climate has long been known to move Earth's axis.

Further, it is mentioned that the planet's North Pole, for example, is migrating along 79 °W – a line of longitude that runs through Toronto and Panama City – at a rate of about 10 centimetres each year as the Earth rebounds from ice sheets that once weighed down large swaths of North America, Europe, and Asia.

Given at

@ http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17657-global-warming-could-change-earths-tilt.html

@ http://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/08/24/warming-could-cause-tilt-in-earths-axis/

(This content is discovered on 11.03.2012 which is introduced as Point 27)

The Solution to Save the Earth is:-

a) That if the above concept is absolutely right than we all together can save the earth. As predicted so far in the above and “Concept of Global Warming” that the Deeper Multi-aquifer-tube wells are not the part of the Environmental Mechanism of the planet must be restored or eliminated as soon as possible.

b) Once all those vertical flowing drains must be restored, then only the recharged water could be sustainable by the aquifers; as a result we will be having higher Ground levels. This solution could prevent the vanishing forest due to lack of Groundwater at initial stage - that is more important. When the water will be available at higher levels, we could grow the vegetation under specific guidelines of the experts globally. By covering Land area by vegetation we can avoid the Solar Radiations by touching the ground, this will minimize the warming of the Atmosphere by the law of thermodynamics, in which heat is transferred from Land Surface

c) Thus by having “some more Reverse Step” we could control the Global Warming –instead of moving for Geo-Engineering suggestions - that may cause unexpected and uncertain results, which also do not covers the treatment of dislocation of the Center of Mass of the Earth - this is very important

d) By restoring the damaged structure of the aquifers we could prevent a very large amount of water flowing into the sea. The higher levels of Groundwater may maximize the evaporation of water, but after “Balanced Evaporation” will be achieved, we will be having drastic improvement in Global Warming gradually.

e) Due to cooling effect of the planet we could able to rebuild the Glaciers again. By controlling of “Groundwater Depletion” and “Building of Glaciers” we could able to balance the Spinning of the Earth or control the tilting of the Axis. This concept as a whole could save our Planet Earth from any doomsday.

f) For all such universal steps a Public Awareness and Support is required, which could be possible by joint efforts Globally as soon as possible under a well guided Global Ordinance, by ignoring the international boundaries of all the nations.

g) More work and planning’s have been decided which could be consolidated for the options for the public after and before eliminations of necessary root causes. After consideration of the concept globally and commitments with genuine efforts in right direction without considering political parameters, we could save our Planet Earth.

That it is necessary for us that the above reasons should have been established, then only the right solution would be applicable. For that it is necessary to have discussion over the issue worldwide. Thank you.

Yours faithfully

Yashwant Deora
Email:- jjvss.jodhpur@gmail.com

Note: - Some addition and improvement of content is Solicited. The final copy should be considered that is placed on the blog – http://save-earth2012.blogspot.in


  1. From: Government of Rajasthan
    Sent: 29 March 2012 18:09
    To: ydeora@gmail.com
    Subject: Re : -

    We have received your email regarding Concept to save earth. (http://save-earth2012.blogspot.in/p/save-earth-2012.html)

    The same is being forwarded to the Addl. Chief Secretary, Environment department for necessary action as per rules.


    DS(VS) to CM
    Chief Minister's Office


  2. Response receive from Barak Obama, President, United States in the reply of letter:-

    @ http://save-earth2012.blogspot.in/p/save-earth-2012.html
