07 January,
Mrs. Marium Browm-Lam,
Principal Agency FOIA Officer,
Washington, DC 20546
Request No. 12-HQ-F-00230
Ref: - EPA - HQ-Expedite & Fee Waiver
Justification Letter received dated 28.12.2011
Dear Sir,
for your Acknowledgement and kind intimation about the concern. In above
reference, I have requested 22 kind of information with the Fee Waiver.
We would like to introduce ourselves as registered non-government, social organization from Jodhpur, Rajasthan, INDIA; registered under the Rajasthan Societies Act and the objects of the society are activities against Social Evils, Agriculture Development and animal welfare, Legal Assistance and Help, Children Education Program and character Development, different types of Woman Social Welfare Activities, Mission to remove Corruption, Eliminate Classism and Racism, Save Indian Society, Protection of all kinds of vulgarity display in media, Assist legal Petition, Develop clean politics in youth, Welfare Activities for Country and Society, Save Animal and Bird, save Plants and Forest, Work for Water Conservation.
We would like to introduce ourselves as registered non-government, social organization from Jodhpur, Rajasthan, INDIA; registered under the Rajasthan Societies Act and the objects of the society are activities against Social Evils, Agriculture Development and animal welfare, Legal Assistance and Help, Children Education Program and character Development, different types of Woman Social Welfare Activities, Mission to remove Corruption, Eliminate Classism and Racism, Save Indian Society, Protection of all kinds of vulgarity display in media, Assist legal Petition, Develop clean politics in youth, Welfare Activities for Country and Society, Save Animal and Bird, save Plants and Forest, Work for Water Conservation.
FOIA is a record retrieving statute and the information requested is very clear
and specific, mostly based on the declaration/published under various
researches already performed by NASA. I suggest Headquarter that the copy of
the application should be giving to all offices of NASA, which needs a combined
consideration on “each point”; those shall be relevant to the respective office
automatically. Here, the application is with limited scope will not work; because
we need to consider all the aspect together to understand the actual mechanism
of the problem. In this way the application is covered by (14 CFR 1206.601(b));
should be seriously considered. I cannot determine those requested information
is related to which particular office; but it is an overall consideration of
real condition of our Planet Earth by all of the offices. However, I am
providing the list of location of the information can be obtained from
following offices:-
1. National Geophysical Data Centre
2. National Oceans &
Atmosphere Administrator (NOAA)
3. Office of Ocean and Earth
4. Earth Station Applications
Processing System (CES)
5. National Environmental Data
Referral Service (NEDRES)
6. Environmental Research
7. National Geodetic Survey
8. National Aeronautics and Space
9. National Environmental
Satellite, Data and Information
10. National Weather Service
11. Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
12. National Oceanographic Data Centre
13. National Ocean Service
14. Environmental Protection Agency
15. Smithsonian Institution
16. Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assessment
17. National Climatic Data Centre (NCDC)
18. Office of Satellite Operation Data Processing
Asking for Fee Waiver justification in accordance with (14 CFR
Billons of money is already been spending on the investigation of causes of the ruined environmental issues, but it is going to be more difficult to join both ends in the lack of finding exact root causes of the problem, solutions and effective implications. I hope our efforts for the Public Interest; environmental issues should not bound by the law of a Fee Waiver.
I myself am a social worker public spirited person and working for the betterment of Every Aspect of Human Life; experienced a lot during my efforts how the Public Interest and Environmental issues are ignored or linger on just for the political benefits.
I personally done research work on the Rising Groundwater Problem of Jodhpur City, and tried to draw the attention of the Government in March 2009, that by prolonged pumping of groundwater from various water resources; we (Government) are taking our City towards very dangerous situations and send many significant reports over the Rising Groundwater in Jodhpur City and Depleting Groundwater in other district areas.
The whole work is online @ http://jodhpur-groundwater.blogspot.com/
I requested for fee waivers that should be considered on a case-by-case basis and address the requirements for a fee waiver in sufficient detail in six factors given below: -
1. The subject matter of the requested records must specifically concern identifiable operations or activities of the government: -
A Public
Interest Litigation was filed last year in High Court of Rajasthan to stop the immense
pumping of Groundwater and to ban the uncontrolled deep drilling of the tube
well. The court directed the Government to ban the digging of tube wells. The
Government of Rajasthan brought the Legislation to ban the activity as an
offence to dig Tube Well without permission and the government imposed the
penalty of Rupees one lakh and imprisonment if found accused. The information
provided at http://www.dnasyndication.com/dna/article/DNJAI15727.
2. For the disclosure to be "likely to contribute" to an understanding of specific government operations or activities, the releasable material must be meaningfully informative in relation to the subject matter of the request: -
As the matter of fact that various Government of the states has imposed the LEGISLATION ON RAINWATER HARVESTING to improve the groundwater level, as it is compulsory to maintain that the rainwater of the roofs must go into the ground directly and huge budget have been spending on various project.
I have tried to educate/inform the State Government that the Rainwater Harvesting Policy is useless; that will not work as we have only two months of the monsoon season in the whole year in Northern India, until unless we do not understand the root causes of the Groundwater Depletion and its rate of Depletion. Unfortunately, due to the lack of information and education the farmers are performing deeper tube wells instead of the ban on it by the Government. We think that legislation must provide sufficient education to the concerning body or person before it gets into the power.
3. The disclosure must contribute to the understanding of the public at large, as opposed to the understanding of the requester or a narrow segment of interested persons. One’s status as a representative of the news media alone is not enough: -
We are not News or Media. All the efforts to investigate/study the environmental issues are based on individual efforts. For that no personal expertise consultancy has been obtained, every aspect has been studies/analyzed mentioned by the Scientists.
The whole work is never confined to the segment of interested persons; nor has it been used for commercial purposes. What is being discovered and correct was immediately intimated to the Government for the necessary action; but due to political concern and benefits, the every ruling party afraid of taking strict action as the public will not vote in every Democratic Concept of most of the countries of the world.
I have analyzed that such type of ideology of the ruling party of the Government is the foremost and primary barrier in taking strict action in the affective measures to control those activities by the public due to what we are losing our Natural Assets. So it is also very necessary to teach the government about the importance of strict measures to be taken to safeguard those Environmental Assets.
4. The disclosure must contribute "significantly" to public understanding of government operations or activities:-
Obviously, such disclosure of the information will significantly provide the public understanding and the Government operations or activities; because now the time came that we have to provide Conceptual Reasoning to the whole world as Universal step to be taken to minimize the conflicts of the ‘Principles of the Investigation’ by the experts of the different countries by their different point of view, just confined only under different Legislature and Amendments of various countries. This will save lot of time and efforts in finding the solutions of the causes for a Single Planet.
5. The extent to which disclosure will serve the requester’s commercial interest, if any.
Not at all; the applicant himself is doing his efforts on his own cost and immediately intimate the every five year changing Government; but due to the corruption and coordination between the Government Departments the factual substance are suppressed by the responsible officer and leaders and the budget allotted for the public relief and various causes forfeited in the form of commissions of the bureaucrats and over budget of the projects without reaching the root causes and final solutions of the problems.
I am the President of Jan Jagriti evm Vikas Samiti, Jodhpur (Regd.); prior to that I was executive member or City President of Jago Janta Society; but my efforts were continuing on Individual basis also since last more than five years without targeting commercial benefits and never applied to fulfill the financial needs to work for further study and investigations. Hence, I the requestor am eligible for the Fee Waiver.
6. The extent to which the identified public interest in the disclosure outweighs the requester’s commercial interest.
Never! The working of established public interest and the disclosure of the information never overweight the requester’s commercial interest. The requested information is related to the environmental issues, which may be already investigated by the experts of various nations. On the basis of those information “collectively” if we could able to consolidate over conceptual things, we can easily reach on the final conclusions for appropriate action to be taken to improve those environmental damages.
I can emphasize over the matter of ‘outweighs of the commercial interest’, which is not the best part for the betterment of Earth matters, if considered as the targeted; we want to work on considered Cause of Action, by bringing into higher consideration of the Government to make drastic change and way of working accordingly and educating the public to understand the importance of the Legislature if produced in those concerns.
Accordingly, in order for the Agency to consider our request for a fee waiver, as we have already addressed, with in sufficient detail, the six factors listed above. Hence, I the requestor am eligible for the Fee Waiver under (14 CFR 1206.702)
Hope I have explained our views and objectives; in short - the Genuine Efforts in right direction are more precious than the cost applicable, kindly give complete Fee Waiver.
Yashwant Singh Deora
Jan Jagriti Vikas evm Seva Samiti,
2. For the disclosure to be "likely to contribute" to an understanding of specific government operations or activities, the releasable material must be meaningfully informative in relation to the subject matter of the request: -
As the matter of fact that various Government of the states has imposed the LEGISLATION ON RAINWATER HARVESTING to improve the groundwater level, as it is compulsory to maintain that the rainwater of the roofs must go into the ground directly and huge budget have been spending on various project.
I have tried to educate/inform the State Government that the Rainwater Harvesting Policy is useless; that will not work as we have only two months of the monsoon season in the whole year in Northern India, until unless we do not understand the root causes of the Groundwater Depletion and its rate of Depletion. Unfortunately, due to the lack of information and education the farmers are performing deeper tube wells instead of the ban on it by the Government. We think that legislation must provide sufficient education to the concerning body or person before it gets into the power.
3. The disclosure must contribute to the understanding of the public at large, as opposed to the understanding of the requester or a narrow segment of interested persons. One’s status as a representative of the news media alone is not enough: -
We are not News or Media. All the efforts to investigate/study the environmental issues are based on individual efforts. For that no personal expertise consultancy has been obtained, every aspect has been studies/analyzed mentioned by the Scientists.
The whole work is never confined to the segment of interested persons; nor has it been used for commercial purposes. What is being discovered and correct was immediately intimated to the Government for the necessary action; but due to political concern and benefits, the every ruling party afraid of taking strict action as the public will not vote in every Democratic Concept of most of the countries of the world.
I have analyzed that such type of ideology of the ruling party of the Government is the foremost and primary barrier in taking strict action in the affective measures to control those activities by the public due to what we are losing our Natural Assets. So it is also very necessary to teach the government about the importance of strict measures to be taken to safeguard those Environmental Assets.
4. The disclosure must contribute "significantly" to public understanding of government operations or activities:-
Obviously, such disclosure of the information will significantly provide the public understanding and the Government operations or activities; because now the time came that we have to provide Conceptual Reasoning to the whole world as Universal step to be taken to minimize the conflicts of the ‘Principles of the Investigation’ by the experts of the different countries by their different point of view, just confined only under different Legislature and Amendments of various countries. This will save lot of time and efforts in finding the solutions of the causes for a Single Planet.
5. The extent to which disclosure will serve the requester’s commercial interest, if any.
Not at all; the applicant himself is doing his efforts on his own cost and immediately intimate the every five year changing Government; but due to the corruption and coordination between the Government Departments the factual substance are suppressed by the responsible officer and leaders and the budget allotted for the public relief and various causes forfeited in the form of commissions of the bureaucrats and over budget of the projects without reaching the root causes and final solutions of the problems.
I am the President of Jan Jagriti evm Vikas Samiti, Jodhpur (Regd.); prior to that I was executive member or City President of Jago Janta Society; but my efforts were continuing on Individual basis also since last more than five years without targeting commercial benefits and never applied to fulfill the financial needs to work for further study and investigations. Hence, I the requestor am eligible for the Fee Waiver.
6. The extent to which the identified public interest in the disclosure outweighs the requester’s commercial interest.
Never! The working of established public interest and the disclosure of the information never overweight the requester’s commercial interest. The requested information is related to the environmental issues, which may be already investigated by the experts of various nations. On the basis of those information “collectively” if we could able to consolidate over conceptual things, we can easily reach on the final conclusions for appropriate action to be taken to improve those environmental damages.
I can emphasize over the matter of ‘outweighs of the commercial interest’, which is not the best part for the betterment of Earth matters, if considered as the targeted; we want to work on considered Cause of Action, by bringing into higher consideration of the Government to make drastic change and way of working accordingly and educating the public to understand the importance of the Legislature if produced in those concerns.
Accordingly, in order for the Agency to consider our request for a fee waiver, as we have already addressed, with in sufficient detail, the six factors listed above. Hence, I the requestor am eligible for the Fee Waiver under (14 CFR 1206.702)
Hope I have explained our views and objectives; in short - the Genuine Efforts in right direction are more precious than the cost applicable, kindly give complete Fee Waiver.
Yashwant Singh Deora
Jan Jagriti Vikas evm Seva Samiti,
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