‘Groundwater Depletion’, ‘Melting of Glaciers’ and ‘Rising Sea Level’ are the massive displacement

FOIA & RTI Replies

RTI application at Prime Minister office, Government of INDIA.

Remark:- Some Information Provided, Data of some information is not available and no study yet performed till today. 

Through RTI Application at Prime Minister Office, New Delhi - Dated:- 5 Dec, 2011

1- India Meteorological Department, (IMD) Government of INDIA, New Delhi

2- Ministry of Earth Science, Government of India, New Delhi

Through RTI Application at Chief Minister Office, Jaipur
- Dated:- 5 Dec, 2011

1- Chief Engineer, Groundwater Department, Jodhpur

2- Jal Sansadhan Vibhag, Jaipur - Short Reply - Data not available

The details of RTI reply given in brief with the information details sought in 17 points:-

Ministry of Environment and Forest Reply:- The information on Point 7 is available with the Department. Information on the number of Islands submerged due to Rise in Sea level is not available in the ministry, how ever the rise in sea level is available with the department. The Sea Level rise in the Gulf of Kutch and coast of West Bengal is Highest. Along with the Karnataka Coast the Sea Level is decreasing.... One meter rise in sea level is projected to displace 7.1 million people in INDIA, and about 5,764 Sq kmts of land area will be lost, along with the 4,200 km of Roads. Ministry of Environment and Forest further demanded the information from Indian Meteorological Department.

Seismology Division (IMD) Reply
: - Seismology Division has not taken up any study from the point 1 to 7 and 16, 17; 8 to 15 do not pertain to seismology Division.

Hydromet Division (IMD) Reply
:- Serial No. 1 to 13 and 16, 17 do not pertain to Hydromat Division. Reply of point 14 & 15 are provided. IMD to not monitor Solar Irradiation (Maxima/Minima) of the Sun, data's collected from Website wikipedia.org

Senior Hydrologist, Groundwater Department, Jodhpur Reply:- Except point 10 and 13 the studies have not been conducted by the Department. Point 1 to 9, 11 & 12 and 14 is not available with the department. The information on 10 & 13 is provided as:-

- Point 10:- The depth of water level collected during pre and post monsoon survey 2010 are used to estimate block wise and district wise groundwater resources in the State of Rajasthan. After finalization of resource position with the Central Groundwater Board, the required information will be provided.

- Point 13: - In this para information of "Intra-Bore well" flow in a multi-aquifer tube well is required. The department till date has not conducted related "Intra-Bore well" flow, as such the information is not available with the department.

NASA Headquarters - Dated:- 28 Dec, 2011
Remark:- Denied >>Appealed >><<Refused>>

Environment Protection Agency, US (EPA) - Dated:- 28 Dec, 2011

Remark:- Denied >>Appealed >><<Data not Available>><<Suggested for USGS>><<Appeal Denied>>

I have received a Letter from Environmental Protection Agency, United States dated 8 March, 2012 mentioned "that denial of the appeal was after the decision of Mindy G. Eienberg, Acting Director, Drinking Water Protection Division, Office of Groundwater and Drinking Water, Office of Water of the U.S. Environment Protection Agency under FOIA Application for the information regarding any correlation between seismic activity, 'Melting Glaciers' and 'Immense Pumping' and 'Groundwater Depletion'.

In the decision Ms. Eisenberg indicated that EPA did not have any records responsive to your request. Your appeal appears to request an explanation concerning the adequacy of the search conducted to uncover the records requested."

Mr. Eisenberg stated, "I have carefully reviewed your request and EPA did not have any existing records responsive to your request. In responsive to your appeal EPA has affirmed it's no records, that is confirmed after EPA conducted a reasonable search for responsive records in a manner that would reasonably uncover all the relevant documents requested. In addition, I have determined that EPA has diligently, reasonably, and adequately undertaken searches to uncover additional records responsive to your request under the FOIA.

She further stated, "In accordance with U.S.C.# 552(a)(4)(B), you have the right to seek judicial review of the determination by the instituting an action in the district court of the United States.........."

U.S. Geological Survey Center (USGS) - Dated:- 16 Feb, 2012

Remark:- In process >><<Acknowledged>><<Provided Information on Point 11 of FOIA Application>>

U.S. Geological Survey Replied on point no. 11 of FOIA Application.

Point No. 11 

Provide the details of zones/states/countries around the world those are severely affected by Groundwater Depletion and declared under Dark Zones.

Special Comments:
As the Principal Forces of "Centripetal Force" and "Centrifugal Force" are responsible for the shape of Whole Universe and Revolving of our planet Earth around the sun. We have to measure the overall impact on the basis of Principle of physics, those cannot be ignored.

I request all to raise this issue with dedication and conceptually to save our "Planet Earth". We have lost every thing when we lost precious ground water or Glaciers.

If the said cause are established genuinely then we have solution to protect everything, otherwise all efforts are going futile, when the experts said that till date we have not conducted relevant Study and Data's are not available, since we are loosing everything as life line of Groundwater. How can we could protect environment as well as our Earth.

- Yashwant

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